Breast carcinoma is one of the most frequently occurring cancers among women with one million cases. Breast cancer is the primary cause of death in women around the world. It is one of the major concerns in public health due to its high occurrence and growing tendency. This complex functional structure develops from a highly modified apocrine sweat gland in the female, but remains rudimentary in male. Breast develops embryological into two lines along milk lines extending from axilla to groin. CD-10 is a 90- to 110-kDa cell surface zinc dependent metalloproteinase which is known as “Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Antigen” (CALLA). CD-10 acts as a stem cell regulator in the breast and prevents uncontrolled proliferation on stem cells The present study is designed to study the expression of CD-10, a breast carcinoma stromal marker and its correlation with ER, PR and HER2/neu status in breast carcinoma.