In the steam thermal cracking of naphtha, the hydrocarbon stream flows inside tubular reactors and is exposed to flames of a series of burners in the firebox. In this paper, a full three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed to investigate the process variables in the firebox and reactor coil of an industrial naphtha furnace. This comprehensive CFD model consists of a standard k-e turbulence model accompanied by a molecular kinetic reaction for cracking, detailed combustion model, and radiative properties. In order to improve the steam cracking performance, the model is solved using a proposed iterative algorithm. With respect to temperature, product yield and specially propylene-to-ethylene ratio (P/E), the simulation results agreed well with industrial data obtained from a mega olefin plant of a petrochemical complex. The deviation of P/E results from industrial data was less than 2%. The obtained velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles were used to investigate the residence time, coking rate, coke concentration, and some other findings. The coke concentration at coil exit was 1.9×10-3 %(mass) and the residence time is calculated to be 0.29 s. The results can be used as a scientific guide for process engineers.