We report the presence of a patent ductusvenosus in three broThers who underwent surgicalcorrection. Patent ductus venosus was demonstrated byultrasonography. Portosystemic venous shunt ratios asevaluated by [123I]iodoamphetamine per rectalportal scintigraphy were 67%, 50%, and 77%,respectively. Histologic examination of liver biopsyspecimens revealed fatty degeneration in all cases.Portal vein pressure before and after temporarily occluding thepatent ductus venosus was estimated by an Anthron P-Ucatheter introduced into the portal vein via theligament teres hepatis. Portal venous pressure increased from 10 to 17 cm H2O, 16 to 23 cmH2O, and 14 to 27 cm H2O,respectively. The refore, banding of the ductus venosuswith Teflon tape was attempted to prevent portalhypertension following complete ligation. As a result, portal venous pressures afterstricture of the ductus venosus were 12, 21, and 20 cmH2), respectively. Bile acid and liver enzymes decreasedand returned to normal within 14 days after surgery. Interestingly, serum concentrations ofhepatocyte growth factor (HGF) increased significantlyafter restoration of the portal blood flow and thengradually decreased, but remained persistently elevated for at least two weeks in two cases measuredafter surgical correction. One month after correction,liver function returned to normal as assessed byserological and histological parameters in all cases. These results suggest that it is important todetermine wheThe r stricture or complete ligation isindicated for a patent ductus venosus during surgicalcorrection, based on the portal venous pressure after temporal test occlusion of the duct. Inaddition, HGF may be a useful marker for normalizationof hepatic microcirculation after surgery.