Aims: Residential sector is the largest electricity consumer in Nigeria. But they also contribute heavily to the climate change through their choice of energy. Mostly prefer source is the fossil fuel for electricity generation despite the growing awareness of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by embracing renewable energy technologies across the globe. Hence, this study investigated the factors influencing solar PV utilization in Akure. Study Design: The study employed a survey research design. Place and Duration of Study: Three residential estates in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria formed the study areas. The study was conducted between June 2019 and July 2019. Methodology: The study surveyed 292 households located in the three residential estates in Akure, Ondo State and 219 retrieved questionnaire were found usable for the analysis. Data was analysed using the mean ranking of the influencing factors. Results: The results revealed that the highest ranking factor influencing utilization of Solar PV for energy services is that Solar PV is a good backup against power failure. This is as a result of the erratic power supply in Nigeria which has not only failed to meet the need of household but also hampered economic growth. However, the least ranking factor influencing solar PV utilization for energy services is Ability to sell electricity to the national grid. Conclusion: Cooperation between private enterprises and relevant government agencies supported by ‘political will’ is required to promote the aforementioned factors influencing the solar PV utilization for energy services in Nigeria. Utilization of solar PV as an energy source for energy service ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. The research recommended that government support for solar PV intervention should be further encouraged.