Grid computing is an Internet based large scale computing network. It works with resources and services for the purpose sharing in the network from their own or lease based. Power of Grid computing is everywhere present over the world for computing the solution for the problem through Resource management technique (RMT). RMT consist of Resource requester, resource matchmaker for a task, Resource provider and Agent-based resource manager. Agent-based resource manager produce enhanced Resource discovery service. Agent is software, decision maker for grid service. Grid service is requiring when, where, what type, alternate service arrangement and how to discover the services for public / private grid network. Multiple Agents are available in between the grid supplier and client. Multiple Agents communicated together through message passing via grid network. Large scale agent in the sense number of agents is large with big data handling capability. In each grid site active optimized agents are presented for execute the job. Each agent has a unique ID and different role in grid computing network. In some situation agents are used to migrate the one supplier to another supplier easily that is work replacement carried out by multi agent. Overloaded agent's host is relocating the service to other agent's host named as agent migration. Little work and idle agents are waiting for upcoming job. For deploying the application via host, first predict the best agent from a lot of distributed active agents. Buyer or consumer asks the service request from the supplier or seller. In this pairing service, the multi agents are acting as bridge between Buyer and supplier. List of Intelligent based large scale multi agents are deployment agent, task agent, mobility agent, optimization agent, matchmaker agent, mobile agent, supplier agent, resource agent, application agent. Agent software is used to replace the difficulty of shopping & shipment application (service) through Service Oriented Computing (SOC). Shopping process fully will take care by grid agents. Agents are assigning for grid Trust purpose and Security problems also overcome by the agents based on pseudo random number RSA algorithm through Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI).