PZT 95/5 ferroelectric ceramics has been utilized for the use in shock driven pulsed power supplies for many years. Considering KxNa1-xNbO3 (KNN) has the almost same phase in phase diagram as PZT, KNN is considered to be a candidate material for the use in shock driven pulsed power supplies. Comparing with PZT 95/5, KNN is a green ecofriend material with low density. The electrical response of KNN under shock compression had been studied. Results show that the shock stress is at 3 GPa, the depoled current have two platforms, the first platform is higher than the second platform and the depoled charge is lower than the total charge of KNN, which means uncompleted discharge of KNN. When the shock stress increased to 4 GPa, the depoled current has one platform and the depoled charge is almost the same as the total storage charge of KNN. The two platforms in current waveform may be formed by two kinds of phase transition under shock compression. This part of research suggests the possibility of application of KNN in shock driven pulsed power supplies.