The research was carried out according to the materials of pedigree records of 10 breeding farms for breeding Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy cattle. Following the requirements of the Instruction on grading cattle of dairy and dairy-meat breeds, regarding the distribution of local animals by generations on the basis of the conditional share of blood by breeding breed, cows in these herds were divided into 5 groups with the corresponding conditional share of blood by Holstein breed: group I – 50.0–74.9%; ІІ – 75.0–87.4%; III – 87.5–93.7%; IV – 93.8–96.8%; V – 96.9% or more. It was found that in breeding herds among 1940 first-born cows the number of crossbreed animals of the I–III generation was 905 heads (46.6%), and the IV generation and older – 1035 heads (53.4%). During the first lactation, cows of the I group exceeded their peers of the II group by 386 kg (p