The 2-D fluid code UEDGE was used to analyze DIII-D experiments to determine the role of neutrals in core fueling, core impurities, and also the H-mode pedestal structure. We compared the effects of divertor closure on the fueling rate and impurity density of high-triangularity, H-mode plasmas. UEDGE simulations indicate that the decrease in both deuterium core fueling (≈15–20%) and core carbon density (≈15–30%) with the closed divertor compared to the open divertor configuration is due to greater divertor screening of neutrals. We also compared UEDGE results with a simple analytic model of the H-mode pedestal structure [Nucl. Fusion 42 (2002) 52]. The model predicts both the width and gradient of the transport barrier in n e as a function of the pedestal density. The more sophisticated UEDGE simulations of H-mode discharges corroborate the simple analytic model, which is consistent with the hypothesis that fueling processes play a role in H-mode transport barrier formation.