An extended Cu-target was irradiated with 22 and 44 GeV carbon ions, The target was in contact with a (CH2)(n)-block for the moderation of secondary neutrons. Small holes in the moderator were filled with either lanthanium salts or uranium oxide. The reaction La-139 (n,gamma) La-140 -->/(beta) was studied via the decay of La-140 (40 h), and the reaction U-238 (n, gamma) U-239 -->/(beta) Np-239 -->/(beta) was studied via the decay of Np-239 (2.3 d). In addition, a variety of solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) were used. Results will be presented. The yields for the formation of (n, gamma) products agree essentially with other experiments on extended targets carried out at the Synchrophasotron LHE, JINR (Dubna). To a first approximation, the breeding rate of (n, gamma) products, as well as the specific track density, seen with several SSNTDs, doubles when the carbon energy is increased from 22 to 44 GeV. If, however, results at 44 GeV are compared in detail to those at 22 GeV, we observe an excess of (37 +/- 9) % in the experimentally observed Np-239-breeding rate over theoretical estimations. Experiments using solid state nuclear track detectors are giving similar results. We also observed in the past such excess in the yield of other secondary particles in relativistic heavy ion interactions above a total energy of approximately 35-40 GeV.