Despite several studies such as the Bottom Up Review (BUR), Commission on Roles and Missions (CORM), Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), and National Defense Panel (NDP), there is no coherent, workable plan for implementing significant defense reform. As a result, America's armed forces are being "salami sliced" to a smaller version of a the cold war force as resources continue to decline. Scarce resources are being spent on expensive weapons systems that no longer have a mission in the new uncertain threat environment of the 21st Century. The Congress has not been effective in implementing significant reform and will not be so in the future. The services are focused on maintaining their share of the defense budget rather than moving toward true reform. The present program is unaffordable and the problems will worsen as systems hit block obsolescence and resources continue to decline. The paper proposes a "BRAC like" commission to review programs and force structure and recommend savings of $10 billion per year to begin funding the transition. The President and Congress would have the option of accepting or rejecting but not modifying the commission's recommendations.