The emergence of cloud computing infrastructure and Semantic Web technologies has created unprecedented opportunities for composing large-scale business processes and workflow-based applications that span multiple organizational domains. A key challenge related to composition of such multi-organizational business processes and workflows is posed by the security and access control policies of the underlying organizational domains. In this paper, we propose a framework for verifying secure composability of distributed workflows in an autonomous multi-domain environment. The objective of workflow composability verification is to ensure that all the users or processes executing the designated workflow tasks conform to the time-dependent security policy specifications of all collaborating domains. A key aspect of such verification is to determine the time-dependent schedulability of distributed workflows, assumed to be invoked on a recurrent basis. We use a two-step approach for verifying secure workflow composability. In the first step, a distributed workflow is decomposed into domain-specific projected workflows and is verified for conformance with the respective domain's security and access control policy. In the second step, the cross-domain dependencies amongst the workflow tasks performed by different collaborating domains are verified.