Fast vertical control of shaped plasmas is essential for the successful realization of plasma operation near the limit of vertical control to achieve maximum confinement and stable, disruption free operation. In KSTAR, the normal conducting in-vessel vertical control coil (IVC coil) is employed to respond to vertical transients much faster than the superconducting coils are capable. The power supply for the IVC coil is capable of responding in a time commensurate with the expected vertical growth rates on KSTAR. The diagnostics used for the fast vertical control since the first operation with shaped plasmas in KSTAR, however, have a low signal-to-noise ratio which limits the gains that can be used successfully in the proportional and derivative control loops and thus the speed of the control loop. The successful use of relative flux for the Z-position estimate and of the loop voltage difference from a pair of up-down symmetric loops to provide sensitive and less noisy vertical estimate will be discussed. In addition, the control loop for the IVC coil is decoupled from the slow motion controlled by the superconducting coils using a high-pass filter in the control software. Finally the noticeable improvement in plasma control for plasmas near the vertical stability limit will be discussed.