Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) is an amphibious type vehicle mainly used for military purpose. Bangladesh Army is the second largest user of BTR-80 (Bronetransporte-80) type APC in the world. At present, 1030 nos. of APC are in service for Bangladesh Army and still more are yet to be delivered. Most of the APC used by Bangladesh Army are imported from the Russian Federation. Bangladesh being a promising name in shipbuilding industry, there is a scope for the production of APC commercially. Since there is no design and resistance prediction data of the imported APC are also not available, present study aims at developing a 3D model of BTR-80 type APC. Moreover, resistance has been predicted and flow has been analyzed by using commercial software Maxsurf and Star CCM+. It is seen that Maxsurf captured well the generated Kelvin type wave by APC but there is a variation of resistance prediction by different methods. Since there are no experimental results available for the APC used in the present study, no results were validated.