The effects of chronological age and dentition on the liveweight, carcass weight, bruising and muscle properties of 348 cows and 370 steers were examined in 5 experiments in Queensland (1982-83). Birth dates were known only for the cows in experiments 1 and 2, and for the steers in experiment 5; with ages categorised as 4 years and less (young), 5-10 years (mature) and greater than 10 years (old). The number of permanent 'incisor' teeth were recorded for all animals. The cattle were weighed (unfasted), transported to an abattoir and given access to water and hay (except in experiment 5). Mustering to slaughter periods varied from 2 to 7 days. Half the carcasses were electrically stimulated in experiments 1 and 2. In general, old and mature cows with 8 teeth had heavier (P