In this paper, we present a method to obtain individual 3D CAD-models of the head and pinna. The method is a hybrid method: A photogrammetric technique for the head is combined with a molding process for the pinna. For the 3D reconstruction of the head, a set of pictures from different perspectives of the person is taken. Therefore the person is stepwise rotated while seated and pictures are taken using semi-professional photographic equipment. Four different orbits are used: top level, upper level, eye level, and low level. These pictures, about 120, are then combined using a commercial photogrammetric software. Due to the complex and concave geometry of the pinna, an additional step has to be taken. An alginate mold is made for each pinna which then is molded again to obtain a positive plaster replica of the pinna. This replica is then converted to a CAD model. For this last step, two methods were compared: the same photogrammetric process as before and using a 3D scanner. Both CAD models, head and pinn...