(A review) N. A. Zeliankevich, D. G. Grummo, O. V. Sozinov, O. V. Galanina. Flora and Vegetation of the Raised Bogs of Belarus / Ed. by A. V. Pugachevsky. Minsk, 2016. 244 p
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
(A review) N. A. Zeliankevich, D. G. Grummo, O. V. Sozinov, O. V. Galanina. Flora and Vegetation of the Raised Bogs of Belarus / Ed. by A. V. Pugachevsky. Minsk, 2016. 244 p
This book reviews the flora and vegetation cover of unique examples of the natural ecosystems known as raised bogs that are to be found in Belarus. It presents detailed information about the country's raised bog flora based on original data arising from long-term field studies of Belarussian mires. Taxonomical, phytogeographical, biomorphological and ecological-coenotic analyses are included. Lists of phytocoenotic synataxa have been prepared using both the Braun-Blanquet (floristic) and the dominance approaches, and the syntaxomonical units defined according to these two vegetation classification systems are compared. The results are used in developing action plans for mire conservation and a national strategy for the rational use of raised bogs in Belarus. The volume is copiously illustrated with colour maps and the authors' own photographs.