Seven Ecuadorian liverworts have been investigated chemically. Frullania brasiliensis elaborates arbusculin B and (−)-α-bisabolol and is classified as chemotype I of the Frullaniaceae. Herbertus acanthelius and H. subdentatus produce isocuparene-type sesquiterpenoids as the major components. 1,4-Dimethylazulene was isolated from Plagiochila micropterys and Macrolejeunea pallescens and the former species is classified as chemotype I of the Plagiochilaceae. The major component of Marchantia plicata is marchantin A, a chemical marker for the Marchantiales. Plagiochila alternans is a very isolated species in the Plagiochilaceae, because it produces a pinguisane-type sesquiterpenoid as the major component.