The future photonic age largely depends on our ability to manipulate optical waves in confined systems. Particularly, understanding the behavior of a plasmonic charge density wave (p-CDW) in optical resonators is vital for engineering 2D plasmonic devices. In this study, the standing p-CDW on the surface of a gold triangle resonator is examined through diffraction limited all-optical far field power loss microscopy. The scattering light map captured by this microscopy, named plasmonic Chladni figure, is directly proportional to the entire in-plane photonic local density of state. The theoretical model of the plasmonic Chladni figure proposed in this study is related to the 2D standing p-CDW node pattern, which is similar to the mechanical Chladni, but follows a special node selection rule. Investigating the plasmonic Chladni phenomenon provides an in-depth understanding of fundamental plasmonic physics and plasmonic chemistry and presents various possibilities for plasmonic application, such as 2D dimensi...