XYZ Regional Public Hospital is one of the government-owned hospitals of Indonesia, XYZ regional public hospital has numerous patient and employee, yet it has not been supported by a good information system, there is no integrated system that helps the exchange of data between each sector in the hospital. Data exchange is done conventionally by using paper as a physical document. The archives of the document would cost a lot and spent wide space that made several rooms are filled with a pile of archives due to lack of space in the hospital. ERP is a concept that integrates all business process activities of an agency or company so that the processes that occur are mutually sustainable in achieving the goals of an organization, ERP provides a solution for managing complex data and information that runs in the hospital. This research is focusing on designing an ERP system in asset management of the warehousing sector in XYZ regional public hospital using Odoo on Asset Maintenance Module with Quickstart methodology. The result of this research is the ERP system that focused on how the asset maintenance is managed in the hospital and how it will be integrated with inventory sector.