Finite topology self-translating surfaces for the mean curvature flow constitute a key element in the analysis of Type II singularities from a compact surface because they arise as limits after suitable blow-up scalings around the singularity. We prove the existence of such a surface M ⊂ R 3 that is orientable, embedded, complete, and with three ends asymptotically paraboloidal. The fact that M is self-translating means that the moving surface S ( t ) = M + t e z evolves by mean curvature flow, or equivalently, that M satisfies the equation H M = ν ⋅ e z where H M denotes mean curvature, ν is a choice of unit normal to M , and e z is a unit vector along the z -axis. This surface M is in correspondence with the classical three-end Costa–Hoffman–Meeks minimal surface with large genus, which has two asymptotically catenoidal ends and one planar end, and a long array of small tunnels in the intersection region resembling a periodic Scherk surface. This example is the first non-trivial one of its kind, and it suggests a strong connection between this problem and the theory of embedded complete minimal surfaces with finite total curvature.