This study of 169 consecutive individually prefabricated CAD/CAM titanium implants for cranioplasty between 1993 and 2000 yields comprehensive data of geometric, surgical, and medical aspects, and answers various questions of quality of life. The scheme for the classification of size and location of the defects is based on the precise CAD data of each implant. CAD/CAM-prefabricated titanium implants are of increased benefit in the neurocranium compared to the craniofacial area, including the forehead and the periorbital rims, which are more problematic with regard to primary fit and cosmetic result. Neurocranial protection and the consecutive improvement of the quality of life are more distinct in this group and come along with the highest benefit for patients with very large defects (> 100 cm2 defect area). For the first time, the defect area could be determined so precisely with the CAD implant data and such a high number of extremely large consecutive cranioplasties could be evaluated.