Nutrition is a critical component of equine health. Horse owners' knowledge of nutrition is likely to affect their feeding practices. The aim of this study was to survey feeding practices, dietary supplement use, and knowledge about equine nutrition in New England by surveying a subpopulation of horse owners (67/337 or 19.8%) who brought their horses to the Large Animal Hospital at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University between July and September 2008. All owners reported feeding hay, with the majority feeding grass or timothy hay. Most owners (96%) reported feeding a concentrate in addition to hay. Approximately 84% of owners reported including at least one dietary supplement in their horse's daily feeding. The most commonly used supplements were chondroprotectives, electrolytes, and multivitamins. Survey questions designed to assess the owner's knowledge of nutrition suggested that many owners may not have a basic understanding of principles of equine nutrition; less than 50% knew the daily water and hay requirements for a horse, and 69% lacked knowledge about the proper use of concentrates in a diet. Most of the surveyed owners consulted multiple sources of information concerning equine nutrition, including veterinarians (n = 36), trainers (n = 27), feed stores (n = 10), and the internet (n = 7). Although the major source of information was the veterinarian, it appears that the communication between horse owners and their veterinarian about optimal feeding practices could be enhanced. This survey demonstrated areas in the veterinarian–client dialog that need to be addressed when evaluating the health and well-being of the horse.