The $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}(d,n)$ reaction has been studied at 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0 MeV deuteron bombarding energies. The neutron spectrum was determined with the time-of-flight method and the overall time resolution was about 2 ns. Targets with natural and enriched abundances of $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}$ were used. Angular distributions of neutrons leading to states in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$ were measured between 20\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{} and 100\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}. The measured cross sections were analyzed in the framework of the distortedwave Born approximation theory to deduce ${l}_{p}$ values and proton transition strengths. For the lowest bombarding energy the compound-nucleus mechanism was also taken into account. The experimental results were compared with the corresponding data from ($^{3}\mathrm{He},d$) reactions and other ($d,n$) studies and with existing theoretical calculations of proton strengths in $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$.NUCLEAR REACTIONS $^{56}\mathrm{Fe}(d,n)$, ${E}_{d}=6.0, 8.0, \mathrm{and} 10.0$ MeV; measured $\ensuremath{\sigma}({E}_{n},\ensuremath{\theta})$. $^{57}\mathrm{Co}$ deduced $l$, $j$, $\ensuremath{\pi}$, and $S$. Natural and enriched targets.