This paper start with a discussion on various types of strain energy functions of rubber like materials. Theoretical analysis based on the strain energy function given in by Y.C.Gao in 1997 is proposed. The material parameters of strain energy function were curve-fitted from the uniaxial tensile test. The selected constitutive relation of rubber like materials was implemented into a finite element code MSC.Marc as a user material subroutine to analyze the thermal and mechanical behavior of rubber seal under the plane strain conditions. Contact force and distribution of the contact stress between lip seal and shaft are analyzed and coupled thermal mechanical analysis of rubber seal was proposed. The contact pressure distribution is readily obtainable from the nonlinear finite element analysis and the coupled thermal mechanical analyses results indicate that the thermal stress only have minor influence on the deformed shape of rubber seal, which will be a useful technique for predicting the properties of rubber seal and providing reference for engineering design. Keywords:rubber like materials, nonlinear finite element, contact analysis, thermal mechanical analysis