الوصف: |
Este artigo apresenta uma breve revis��o das pesquisas arqueol��gicas realizadas no s��tio Pedra do Atlas, um abrigo aren��tico localizado na ��rea rural do munic��pio de Piripiri, Estado do Piau��, Brasil. As paredes rochosas cont��m 423 pinturas rupestres em v��rias cores e algumas gravuras. Nos sedimentos foram encontrados diversos fragmentos cer��micos e vest��gios de pigmentos minerais vermelhos e amarelos, al��m de alguns l��ticos. Durante os ��ltimos treze anos, onze expedi����es foram realizadas ao s��tio e os vest��gios de atividades humanas antigas foram investigados ���in loco��� e em laborat��rio. A arqueometria tem sido aplicada na maioria dos trabalhos realizados e uma estrat��gia experimental com diferentes t��cnicas anal��ticas tem possibilitado a obten����o de resultados consistentes. ENGLISH: Pedra do Atlas: A Synthesis of the Archaeological Research and Future Perspectives. This paper presents a brief review of the archaeological research carried out at the Pedra do Atlas site, a sandstone shelter located in the rural area of the municipality of Piripiri, State of Piau��, Brazil. The rock walls contain 423 rock paintings in various colors and some engravings. Several ceramic fragments and vestiges of red and yellow mineral pigments were found in the sediments, as well as some lithics. During the last thirteen years, eleven expeditions have been conducted to the site and the vestiges of ancient human activities have been investigated ���in situ��� and in the laboratory. Archaeometry has been applied in most of the work performed, and an experimental strategy with different analytical techniques has made it possible to obtain consistent results. |