The aim of the present study was to assess patients' acceptance of therapeutic leukocytapheresis known as cytapheresis (CAP) for the treatment of an active flare of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A questionnaire was sent to 155 IBD patients who had been treated with CAP for an active flare of IBD at the IBD center of Hyogo College of Medicine between January 2009 and July 2012. In the questionnaire, patients were asked to evaluate CAP including efficacy, safety, unfavorable features and their willingness to be retreated with CAP for a subsequent IBD flare-up. Seventy-eight percent (112 of 155 patients) including 86 with ulcerative colitis and 26 with Crohn's disease completed the questionnaire. The need for coming to hospital for CAP, needle pain during blood access, sparing time for CAP process were scored by 57%, 58%, and 58.9% of the patients, respectively as unfavorable. Patients highly favored the safety of CAP, the sum of very and relatively favorable was 89%, higher than for efficacy (68%). Seventy-two percent of patients favored retreatment with CAP. In binary logistic regression analysis, the levels of satisfaction for efficacy (P