The development of the seed coat and pericarp is studied in Leucospermum cordifolium from ovule to mature seed. The ovule and seed are characterized by a tegmic pachychalaza. The pericarp is adnate to the integuments from anthesis and remains unthickened to maturity. The outer integument forms the seed coat and the seed is endotestal: the outer epidermis becomes tanniniferous and the inner epidermis develops into a crystalliferous palisade. The inner integument degenerates at an early stage. Examination of the literature reveals that the crystal palisade layer of the outer integument has been erroneously assumed to constitute an endocarp. This finding indicates that a re-interpretation of all published information on the seed coat in indehiscent Proteaceae is necessary before any speculations on the phylogenetic significance of the seed coat can be entertained.