A radiating divertor approach was successfully applied to high performance 'hybrid' plasmas [M.R. Wade, et al., Proc. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Vilamoura, (2004)]. Our technique included: (1) injecting argon near the outer divertor target, (2) enhancing the plasma flow into the inner and outer divertors by a combination of particle pumping and deuterium gas puffing upstream of the divertor targets, and (3) isolating the inner divertor from the outer by a structure in the private flux region. Good hybrid conditions were maintained, as the peak heat flux at the outer divertor target was reduced by a factor of 2.5; the peak heat flux at the inner target decreased by 20%. This difference was caused by a higher concentration of argon at the outer target than at the inner target. Argon accumulation in the main plasma was modest (n{sub AR}/n{sub e} {le}0.004 on axis), although the argon profile was more peaked than the electron profile.