Microstructural Injury to Corpus Callosum and Intrahemispheric White Matter Tracts Correlate With Attention and Processing Speed Decline After Brain Radiation
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
Microstructural Injury to Corpus Callosum and Intrahemispheric White Matter Tracts Correlate With Attention and Processing Speed Decline After Brain Radiation
Purpose The corpus callosum (CC) and intrahemispheric white matter tracts (IHWM) subserve critical aspects of attention and processing speed. We analyzed imaging biomarkers of microstructural injury within these regions and association with attention and processing speed performance before and after radiation therapy in primary brain tumor patients. Methods and Materials In a prospective clinical trial, 44 primary brain tumor patients underwent cognitive testing and magnetic resonance imaging/diffusion-weighted imaging at baseline (pre-radiation therapy) and 3-, 6-, and 12-months post-radiation therapy. CC (subregions, total) and IHWM tracts (left/right without CC, total) were autosegmented; tumor, tumor bed, and edema were censored. Biomarkers included volume changes (cm3), mean diffusivity ([MD]; higher values indicate white matter injury), fractional anisotropy ([FA]; lower values indicate white matter injury). Reliable-change indices measured changes in attention (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale [WAIS-IV] digits-forward; Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Trail Making [D-KEFS-TM] visual-scanning), and processing speed (WAIS-IV coding; D-KEFS-TM number-sequencing, letter-sequencing), accounting for practice effects. Linear mixed-effects models evaluated associations between mean radiation dose and biomarkers (volume, MD, FA) and imaging biomarkers and neurocognitive performance. Statistics were corrected for multiple comparisons. Results Processing speed declined at 6 months following radiation therapy (number sequencing, letter sequencing; P Conclusions The CC demonstrated radiation dose-dependent atrophy and WM injury. Microstructural injury within the CC and IHWM was associated with attention and processing speed decline after radiation therapy. These areas represent possible avoidance regions for preservation of attention and processing speed.