EnglishThis research was carried out in order to evaluate effects of pregnancy, fetus number and nutritional restriction on ingestive behavior of ewes. Were used 24 ewes of the breed Santa Ines evaluated at 90, 110 and 130 pregnancy days distributed among treatments according to fetus number. They received free or restricted diet, the last one with reduction of 15% of protein and energy requirements. Ewes were individually observed each five minutes for three days, being two periods of 24 h intercalated with 24 h of resting. During the observations was determinated the time spent in feeding, rumination, idle and chewing. Feed management did not influence time spent in feeding. In both pregnancy categories, at 90 days of pregnancy the animals spent less time in rumination and feeding. Ewes on nutritional restriction ruminate longer time and at 90 days of pregnancy spent less time ruminating. Ewes with twin fetus spent less time chewing than with single pregnancy. Pregnancy progress increased time spent to feeding, rumination ant chewing. Nutritional restriction increased idle time in ewes with one fetus. Ewes with single and twin pregnancy showed variable ingestive behavior at the studied phases. portuguesFoi avaliada a influencia da gestacao, do numero de fetos e da restricao nutricional no comportamento ingestivo de 24 ovelhas Santa Ines avaliadas aos 90, 110 e 130 dias de gestacao, divididas entre os tratamentos em funcao do numero de fetos. Essas receberam dietas a vontade ou restritas, sendo essa com reducao de 15% nos requisitos de proteina e energia. As ovelhas foram observadas individualmente, a cada 5 minutos, por 3 dias, sendo dois periodos de 24 h intercalado com 24 h de descanso. Durante as observacoes foram determinando os tempos gas- tos com ingestao, ruminacao, ocio e mastigacao. O manejo nutricional nao influenciou o tempo gasto com a ingestao. Em ambas as categorias de prenhez, aos 90 dias de gestacao, as ovelhas despenderam menos tempo para ingestao do ali- mento. Animais recebendo dieta restrita ruminaram mais tempo e aos 90 dias de gestacao despenderam menos tempo ruminando. Ovelhas gestantes de dois fetos gastaram menos tempo mastigando do que as de gestacao simples. O avanco da gestacao aumentou o tempo despendido com ingestao, ruminacao e mastigacao. A restricao nutricional aumentou o tempo em ocio de ovelhas com um feto. Animais gestantes de um e dois fetos apresentaram comportamento ingestivo variavel nas fases da gestacao estudadas.