In preparation for ITRF2020, we developed a number of software tools and analysis strategies aiming at improving the quality, consistency and accuracy of the new frame. Our target is to enhance the modelling of the nonlinear station motions, including post-seismic deformation models for stations subject to major earthquakes, and periodic signals embedded in the station position time series. In addition to the classical annual and semi-annual signals, we foresee to simultaneously adjust some satellite draconitic harmonics and evaluate their impact on the estimated frame parameters. The ITRF2020 is expected to be provided in the form of an augmented reference frame so that in addition to station positions and velocities, parametric models for both PSD and periodic signals (expressed in the CM frame of satellite laser ranging) will also be delivered to the users. Depending on the availability of the input data of the four techniques at the time of this presentation, we expect to show and discuss some early results and give some indications regarding the specifications of the final ITRF2020 solution.