This chapter aims to examine and describe the evidence regarding the efficacy and mechanism(s) of action of some non-pharmacologic approaches that may serve as adjunct therapies for asthma and exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB). Several non-pharmacologic strategies could contribute to the management of EIB in athletes. Approximately half of individuals with EIB will experience a reduction in airway responsiveness during repeated exercise. High-salt diets can worsen EIB symptoms in main ways: increasing pulmonary capillary blood volume, causing airway compression, and/or increasing osmolarity of the airway surface liquid which stimulates release of pro-inflammatory mediators, causing airway narrowing. The mechanistic pathways by which EIB is attenuated after different dietary interventions are likely to differ, but it remains unknown if the benefits of different interventions are additive. Despite a current lack of mechanistic confirmation, there is growing evidence that prebiotics and probiotics could be a novel nutritional intervention to improve airway health and target EIB in physically active asthmatics.