Relationship between the external quantum efficiency (EQE) curves and the dominant non-radiative recombination mechanisms of InGaN green LEDs grown on silicon substrates were investigated. Through the analysis of the ABC+ f ( n ) model, the significant drop in EQE at low current levels is due to an increasingly defect-related Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination. Under extremely low current densities, the defect traps can even become the dominant channel for the leakage current through the tunneling process, thereby reducing the efficiency of carrier injection into the active region. These observations were further supported by the carrier lifetime measurement. However, this fails to explain the droop in EQE at high current densities, especially when SRH recombination has been saturated. Our results show that carrier leakage has becomes dominant at high current density when Auger recombination has been less impossible. Reduced carrier leakage may lead to increased carrier injection efficiency, which in turn alleviates EQE droop.