This paper is about to implement a system for ground water safety evaluation. Since ground water quality is affected from the contamination source of surface water, one can estimate the magnitude of affection and the source themselves. This paper suggests a method to evaluate the spatial relationship of ground water and its contamination sources, using“contain”and“distance”operators in GIS. The research area is the Kunsan City in Chonbuk province, and are 75th wells those are located between the 4th alluvium land types. The results of measured chemical factors and results of related evaluation of these wells are stored and represented in ZEUS 2000 GIS DBMS, and an interface for searching and studying, is implemented by using ZEUS/SQLX, ZEUS/COM, and Visual Basic 6.0 programming languages. After this research, the spatial relationship between hydro-geological geo-objects and ground water is verified and a efficient evaluation system using GIS is suggested. It is the topic of further study that tries to calibrate the suggested evaluation model by applying it to wider area.