This work describes the design, fabrication, and evaluation of three sets of multi-plane patch antennas fabricated using an enhanced 3D printing system. The antennas were embedded using a unique combination of thermal and chemical embedding techniques enabling the fabrication of multiple conductive non-orthogonal antenna layers constructed in a single build sequence. Potential devices include waveguides and antennas in complex geometries with a wide range of electromagnetically tailored thermoplastics. Two sets of patch antennas were fabricated, both comprising two patches offset 5° from the build plane: one with embedded copper mesh and the second with copper foil. A third set of patch antennas was fabricated on a five-plane structure consisting of three patches with offset 60° from the build plane, and a fourth patch parallel to the build plane. The resulting 3D printed antennas were characterized in terms of return loss and radiation pattern and demonstrated agreement with simulations.