This multicenter retrospective study concerns 594 cases of HIV-1 positive patients. The majority were asymptomatic. Some had Aids-related complex and some had AIDS. They were all seen in seven hospitals of the western outskirts of Paris and in one Paris hospital between 1983 and 1988. There was a predominance of homosexuals and of cases of AIDS in the center of Paris. Intravenous (IV) drug users and asymptomatic cases were more numerous in the city outskirts, a reflection of the populations at risk around each hospital. The proportion of cases of AIDS was lower among IV drug users than among homosexuals or bisexuals probably due to the fact that the viral infection was discovered at an earlier stage in a population contaminated at a later date or to the tendency to ask for the test "systematically" in drug addicts. 22% of the cases were women with a sex ratio of 3.5. HIV infection was attributed to use of intravenous drugs in 51% and to heterosexual transmission in 18% of the women. But the incidence of heterosexual transmission increased significantly, essentially in women. Overall, the incidence of infection by the HIV 1 has decreased since 1986. A number of recent publications seem to indicate the same tendency. But this fundamental observation remains to be validated by further studies. The yearly incidence of AIDS increases. The 5 year calculated actuarial rate of probability of remaining asymptomatic decreased to 40% in 385 initially asymptomatic patients.