Osvrt na dosadašnji rad kontakt-policajaca Policijske uprave zagrebačke

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Osvrt na dosadašnji rad kontakt-policajaca Policijske uprave zagrebačke
المؤلفون: Zdravko Valenta, Ana Butković, Ruža Karlović
المصدر: Policija i sigurnost
Volume 28
Issue 1/2019
سنة النشر: 2019
مصطلحات موضوعية: community policing, community police officer, Zagreb County Police Administration, beat, attitudes, Policija u zajednici, kontakt-policajac, Policijska uprava zagrebačka, rajon, stavovi
الوصف: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati stanje i raspoloženje kontakt-policajaca u Policijskoj upravi zagrebačkoj 15 godina nakon uvođenja Strategije djelovanja Policija u zajednici. Velika većina kontakt-policajaca (93 %) dragovoljno se javila za taj posao, a glavni razlog koji su naveli za obavljanje tog posla bio je rad i komunikacija s ljudima (71 %). Međutim, treba napomenuti kako 30 % sudionika smatra da im se očekivanja uglavnom nisu ostvarila. Što se tiče čestoće obavljanja službe na kontakt-rajonu, najčešći odgovor za 2016. godinu i prvih šest mjeseci 2017. godine bio je tri dana. Najčešći odgovor za obavljanje službe u prvoj godini službe kontakt-policajaca s manje od 10 godina službe jest tri dana, a kontakt-policajaca s 10 i više godina službe pet dana. Ta je razlika statistički značajna (t (109) = -5,01, p < 0,001) i upućuje na to da su prilikom uvođenja projekta Policija u zajednici kontakt-policajci više vremena obavljali službu na svom kontakt- rajonu nego u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Ispitan je i percipirani odnos drugih policijskih službenika prema poslu kontakt-policajca i utvrđene su razlike u zadovoljstvu odnosom različitih struktura unutar policije prema kontakt-policajcima. Unatoč problemima s kojima se susreću u svom radu, većina sudionika (92 %) izražava želju za daljnjim radom u statusu kontakt-policajac, pri čemu kontakt-policajci u Zagrebačkoj županiji izražavaju veću spremnost da nastave raditi kao kontakt-policajci nego kontakt-policajci u Gradu Zagrebu.
The aim of this research was to examine the conditions and sentiment of the community police officers at the Zagreb County Police Administration, fifteen years after the Community Strategy have been introduced. The vast majority (93%) of the community police officers in this research stated that they took this job willingly and that the main reason for doing it is working and communicating with citizens (71%). However, it should be noted that 30% of the participants believe that their job expectations have largely failed. As for working on their beats in 2016 and first six months of 2017, police officers gave three days as the most frequent response. During their first year police officers with less than 10 years of service experience as beat officers spent three days working on their beats per week, while police officers with 10 or more years of experience spent five days per week. This difference is statistically significant (t (109) = -5.01, p < 0.001) and points out that at the beginning of the operative and preventive work reform police officers spent more time on their beats than in the past few years. We have also examined the perceived sentiment of other police officers toward community policing and we have found different levels of satisfaction with the different police structures. Despite all the problems they are facing at work, vast majority of community police officers (92%) wants to keep working at their present position, with greater percentage among police officers from Zagreb County than among police officers from Zagreb City.
وصف الملف: application/pdf
اللغة: Croatian
تدمد: 1330-0229
URL الوصول: https://explore.openaire.eu/search/publication?articleId=dedup_wf_001::f0993e767def23c4748b9450aa4ff060
Rights: OPEN
رقم الانضمام: edsair.dedup.wf.001..f0993e767def23c4748b9450aa4ff060
قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE