Comparison of the cumulative survival among patient groups with a left main coronary artery lesion after surgical and therapeutic treatment | Sravnenie sovokupnoǐ vyzhivaemosti sredi grupp patsientov s porazheniem glavnogo stvola levoǐ koronarnoǐ arterii posle operativnogo i terapevticheskogo lecheniia

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Comparison of the cumulative survival among patient groups with a left main coronary artery lesion after surgical and therapeutic treatment | Sravnenie sovokupnoǐ vyzhivaemosti sredi grupp patsientov s porazheniem glavnogo stvola levoǐ koronarnoǐ arterii posle operativnogo i terapevticheskogo lecheniia
المؤلفون: Rogers, W. J., Chaitman, B. R., Fisher, L. D., Martial G. Bourassa, Davis, K., Maynard, C., Tyras, D. H., Berger, R. L., Judkins, M. P., Ringqvist, I., Mock, M. B., Killip, T.
المصدر: Scopus-Elsevier
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قاعدة البيانات: OpenAIRE