The influence of creep strain on stress distribution across a cross section of shaft in state of torsion is considered in this paper. The cross section of shaft is either an annulus or a full circular cross section. A total strain at an arbitrary point of a cross section is composed of elastic strain (e), plastic strain (p), and viscoelastic or creep strain (c), [2], [3], [4]. It is assumed that these strains are small and that plastic strains do not occur. In the same way, it is also assumed that the stresses do not change with time (stresses are constant at any moment), i.e. the shaft is in the steady-state creep conditions. In such a process of creeping, elastic strains can be neglected with respect to creep strains, especially when the shaft is exposed to creep during a long period of time. An analysis of creep strain and stress distribution across a cross section of shaft has been carried out by means of analytical methods (the Fourier´s method). Namely, since creep strain depends on stress and time at a certain temperature, the creep strain is assumed as a product of the two functions of which the first function depends on stress and temperature and the second one depends on time and temperature, [1], [2].