The paper deals with two funerary inscriptions found in Carnuntum that belonged to the legionaries of legio XV Apollinaris. There is no unanimous opinion about their origin, since the name of the town is given in abbreviated form Aeq, which can be related either to Aequum in Dalmatia, or to Aequiculi in Italia. The voting tribe is noted as Cl(audia), and the town of origin of the legionaries was explained as Aequiculi in the relevant literature, since the tribus Claudia was the voting tribe of this town, while the voting tribe of Aequum was Tromentina. With no mention of tribus there would be no doubt that the soldiers originated from Aequum, since soldiers from the colony of Aequum are much better epigraphically attested than soldiers from Aequiculi. We think that in the first case the tribus Claudia could be explained with the deduction of the veterans in Savaria (whose tribus was Claudia), while in the second case we presume that Claudia was a pseudo-tribus. The thesis that these soldiers were likely to have been from Aequum is strengthened by the epigraphic evidence from Pannonia and Upper Germania.