COVID-19 pandemic forced all levels of education to seek new ways of teaching practices. Kindergartens were in a particularly unenviable position. Several research papers focus on information and communication tools (ICT) in the kindergarten environment in the pre-COVID 19 settings, but most of them lack focus on the online aspects of collaboration and communication, as well as aspects of distance education. This paper focuses on fundamental issues and organization of work, readiness of relevant stakeholders, and the support of education system for the online education during the COVID-19 pandemic in the kindergarten through four research questions. 10 interviews were conducted with kindergarten management and educators. Main findings show that kindergarten provided support to educators and parents in developing of ICT skills, but also new ways of online activities for children. Educators perceived the pandemic as opportunity to develop new skills and seek new practices in distance education. Main disadvantage was lack of support from the education system. Kindergarten rapidly transitioned in the use of ICT tools, from basic communication tools to specialised services for education institutions which provide a wide set of functionalities.