Academic Journal


التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: GmYUC12a对大豆侧根发育和抗旱性的调控作用. (Chinese)
Alternate Title: Regulatory effect of soybean GmYUC12a on lateral root development and drought resistance in soybean. (English)
المؤلفون: 齐玉军, 邢兴华, 李思梦, 徐泽, 童飞, 王好让, 江海东, 王幸
المصدر: Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences; 2024, Vol. 46 Issue 5, p1068-1078, 11p
مصطلحات موضوعية: ETHYLENE glycol, GENETIC overexpression, DROUGHTS, BEANS, GENES
Abstract (English): Lalcral rool (LR) plays an imporlanl role in planL droughL resis Lance. This sLudy was carried oul Lo explore role of GmYUCI2a in LR dcvelopmenl under droughL sLress and lay a foundation for analysis of Lhc response mechanism of soybean LR Lo droughL sLress. The changes of morphological (■haracLerisLics, indolc-3-accLie acid conLcnL and expression levels of several genes involved in IAA biosyriLhcsis and signal LransducLion of rooLs and ncL phoLosyriLheLit! rale (P„) and relative waLer conLeriL (RW(3 of leaves have been analyzed in Xudou 18 and Xu 9302 exposed Lo droughl sLress induced by 5% (m/V) polycLhylene glycol 600() LrcaLmenL. Droughl sLresscd improved LR number and lcngLh. Lolal rooL lcngLh and IAA conLcnL. GmYUCl2a, GmTIRlA and GmAFB3A expression levels in tools of Xu 9302, while lhc opposile effects on Xudou 18 were observed, which triggering a smaller droughl-induccd (leercasc in Pn and RW(; in Xu 9302. The Lransgenic Xu 9302 hairy rooL complexes were genera Led by Agro-bacleriu,m-mc(]]. LransformaLion mcLhod. Overexpression analyses showed LhaL GmYUCl2a caused an increase in LR number and lcngLh, LoLal rooL lcnglh, IAA conLcnL and GmYUC12a, GmTIRlA and GmAFB3A expression levels in hairy roots and Pn and RW (in leaves of sLrcsscd Xu 9302 hairy mol complexes. However. LR number and Icnglh did not change in stressed GmTIRl A-over expressing and GfnAFB3A-over expressing hairy root complexes, as compared with stressed empty-vector hairy root complexes, while they increased in stressed complexes with hairy roots simultaneous overexpressing GmTIRlA and (;mAFB3A・ Thus, GmYUC12a up-regulated GmTIRlA and AFB3A which cooperated to induce LR development under drought stress, ultimately improving drought resistance in soy・ bean. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Chinese): 侧根对作物抗旱具有重要作用, 明确GmYUC12a在大豆侧根生长发育和抗旱中的作用, 为探究大豆侧根 发育响应干旱的作用机制奠定基础。本文首先分析了徐豆18和徐9302在5%(")聚乙二醇6000模拟干旱胁迫下 根系形态特征、根系内源生长素(IAA)含量、IAA合成和信号转导相关基因表达量以及叶片净光合速率(匕)和相对 含水量(RWC)的变化。干旱胁迫下根系IAA含量.GmYUC12a.GmTIRlA和表达量变化趋势与侧根数、侧 根长、总根长一致, 徐9302各项指标均较对照增力口, 徐豆18则相反, 因而徐豆18叶片P"和RWC下降幅度较大。通 过发根农杆菌侵染徐9302下胚轴, 获得转基因毛状根嵌合植株。干旱胁迫下GmYUC12ait表达毛状根嵌合体根系 IAA含量.GmTIRlA.GmAFB3A表达水平、叶片P"和RWC以及侧根数量和长度显著高于空载毛状根嵌合体。与之 不同, 干旱胁迫下GmTIRlA.GmAFB3Ait表达毛状根嵌合体侧根数量和长度较空载毛状根复合体无变化, 而Gmm, "和6肌加遇34同时过表达毛状根嵌合体侧根数量和长度显著增加。可见, 干旱胁迫下GmYUC12a诱导Gm-TIR1A和GmAFB3A表达, 进而GmTIRlA和GmAFB3A协同调控侧根生长发育,提高植株抗旱性. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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قاعدة البيانات: Complementary Index