Academic Journal

A review of the Neogene formations and beds in Slovenia, Western Central Paratethys.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: A review of the Neogene formations and beds in Slovenia, Western Central Paratethys.
Alternate Title: Pregled neogenskih formacij in plasti v Sloveniji, zahodna Centralna Paratetida. (Slovenian)
المؤلفون: IVANČIČ, Kristina, BARTOL, Miloš, MARINŠEK, Miha, KRALJ, Polona, MENCIN GALE, Eva, ATANACKOV, Jure, HORVAT, Aleksander
المصدر: Geologija (0016-7789); 2024, Vol. 67 Issue 2, p193-215, 23p
مصطلحات موضوعية: ALLUVIAL fans, FAULT zones, NEOGENE Period, SEDIMENTATION & deposition, PLIOCENE Epoch
مصطلحات جغرافية: SLOVENIA
Abstract (English): Neogene sedimentary successions are found in eastern and northeastern Slovenia. Their formation was closely related to the evolution of the western part of the Pannonian Basin System and the Central Paratethys; it was influenced by global transgressive and regressive cycles as well as by global, regional and local tectonics. Several formations and beds were defined within the Neogene sedimentary successions which can be found in three separate areas. The first one includes the formations north of two major fault systems, the Periadriatic Fault System and the Mid-Hungarian Zone, which were associated with the Mura-Zala and the Styrian Basins, respectively. Successions south of these major faults are not formally connected to any of the major basins and developed in two distinct parts: a strip between Tunjice and Kozjansko to the north and the Krško area to the south. From the Egerian to the early Badenian, different areas exhibit different types of sedimentation, whereas from the middle Badenian onwards, sedimentation in different zones is partly comparable, depending on the type of depositional environment. Egerian and Eggenburgian sediments are only found south of the above-mentioned major fault zones, whereas Karpatian sedimentation only occurred north of them. Sediments in both areas are characterized by alternation of shallow marine, brackish and terrestrial sedimentation. In contrast, sedimentary environment in the Badenian evolved from a terrestrial, mainly fluvial environment with alluvial fans, through a transitional stage (delta and lagoon) to a shallow and deep marine environment. The Sarmatian sequences reflect a brackish environment with decreasing salinity and continue into extensive Pannonian delta systems that gradually fill the basins from west to east. The formations that correspond to the Pannonian in the Mura-Zala Basin can be correlated with the formations in the Krško area. The Pliocene is characterized by terrestrial sedimentation with the formation of rivers and lakes in the newly established intramontane basins. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Slovenian): Neogenska sedimentna zaporedja so prisotna v severovzhodnem in vzhodnem delu Slovenije. Njihov nastanek je vezan na razvoj zahodnega dela Panonskega bazena in Centralne Paratetide ter posledično na globalno, regionalno in lokalno tektonsko aktivnost ter globalne transgresijsko-regresijske cikle. Sedimentna zaporedja so opredeljena v več formacijah in plasteh, ki so se razvijala na treh večjih ločenih območjih. Prvo je severno od Periadriatskega preloma in Srednjemadžarske prelomne cone, kjer je bila sedimentacija vezana na Mursko-Zalski in Štajerski bazen. Neogenska zaporedja južno od omenjene prelomne cone so se razvijala na dveh ločenih območjih, v pasu od Tunjic do Kozjanskega ter na območju Krškega in niso del nobenih večjih bazenov. Od egerija do spodnjega badenija se sedimentna zaporedja med različnimi območji izrazito razlikujejo, medtem ko je sedimentacija od srednjega badenija dalje na različnih območjih delno primerljiva. Egerijski in eggenburgijski sedimetni so prisotni le južno od prelome cone, ottnangijske in karpatijske sedimente pa najdemo le severno od nje. V obeh primerih je sedimentacija potekala v plitvomorskem in brakičnem okolju ter na kopnem. Bolj enoten je bil razvoj od badenija dalje, ko je transgresija povzročila poplavitev celotnega ozemlja, kar je omogočilo razvoj podobnega sedimentacijskega okolja v različnih območjih. Sprva kopensko, predvsem rečno okolje z aluvialnimi vršaji se je nadaljevalo v prehodno okolje z deltami in lagunami, ki ga je hitro poplavilo morje Centralna Paratetida. Sarmatijska zaporedja odražajo brakično okolje z zmanjšano slanostjo, ki so počasi prehajala v obsežne sisteme panonskih delt. Te so postopoma zapolnjevala porečja od zahoda proti vzhodu, kar je omogočilo korelacijo formacije v Mursko-Zalskem bazenu in na območju Krškega. V pliocenu je značilna kopenska sedimentacija z nastankom rek in jezer v novo nastalih intramontanih bazenih. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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