التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: |
The influence of environmental factors on the hormonal status of lizards – a review. |
Alternate Title: |
Utjecaj okolišnih čimbenika na hormonalni status guštera - pregledni rad. (Croatian) |
المؤلفون: |
Đuričić, D., Lukač, M., Žaja, I. Žura, Miljković, J., Budicin, E., Gottstein, Ž., Horvatek-Tomić, D., Samardžija, M. |
المصدر: |
Veterinarska Stanica; 2025, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p121-127, 7p |
مصطلحات موضوعية: |
LIZARD reproduction, LIZARD physiology, HYPOTHALAMIC-pituitary-adrenal axis, SPECIES distribution, SEX hormones |
Abstract (English): |
Important exogenous factors that mutually affect and regulate the annual sexual cycle of lizards, in the ecological context of adaptation, are environmental (rain, temperature, humidity, photoperiod, etc.), structural (vegetation change, food availability, etc.) and social factors (behavioural interaction, experience, etc.), while in some species endogenous (circa-annual) rhythmicity may prevail. Both endogenous and exogenous factors determine the time of hatching in the season providing the highest chances of survival for offspring. Hormonally controlled processes via the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis produce a cascade of events that determine the reproductive processes involved in reproduction, and can be found in all lizard species. These hormones, in addition to being necessary for successful reproduction and survival of the species, have numerous roles in physiology, metabolism and behaviour. The beginning, duration and end of the breeding season, and the duration of sexual inactivity, differ significantly by species and geographical distribution. Although there is much knowledge about reptile reproduction and its regulation, there are still hidden secrets and specificities in many species that have not yet been discovered or fully explained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Abstract (Croatian): |
Važni egzogeni čimbenici koji međusobno utječu i reguliraju godišnji spolni ciklus guštera, u ekološkom kontekstu prilagodbe, su: okolišni (kiša, temperatura, vlaga, fotoperiod i dr.), strukturni (promjena vegetacije, dostupnost hrane i dr.) i društveni čimbenici (interakcija ponašanja, iskustvo itd.), a kod nekih vrsta može prevladati i endogena (cirkaanualna) ritmičnost. Endogeni i egzogeni čimbenici određuju vrijeme izlijeganja u sezoni u kojoj je preživljavanje potomaka najveće. Hormonski kontrolirani procesi preko osovine hipotalamus-hipofiza-gonade proizvode kaskadu događaja koji određuju reproduktivne procese uklju čene u reprodukciju, a mogu se naći kod svih vrsta guštera. Ovi hormoni, osim što su nužni za uspješnu reprodukciju i opstanak vrste, imaju brojne uloge u fiziologiji, metabolizmu i ponašanju. Početak, trajanje i kraj sezone parenja, kao i trajanje sezone spolne neaktivnosti, značajno se razlikuju ovisno o vrsti i geografskoj rasprostranjenosti guštera. Iako postoje mnoga saznanja o razmnožavanju gmazova i njegovoj regulaciji, još više skrivenih tajni i specifičnosti kod mnogih vrsta, nisu otkrivene niti do kraja razjašnjene. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
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قاعدة البيانات: |
Complementary Index |