Academic Journal

Environmental contamination by Zinc and the risk of its introduction into the food chain.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Environmental contamination by Zinc and the risk of its introduction into the food chain.
Alternate Title: Zagađenje okoliša cinkom i rizik od njegovog unošenja u hranidbeni lanac. (Croatian)
المؤلفون: Mavromati, Jani, Shaqiri, Lulzim
المصدر: Veterinarska Stanica; 2024, Vol. 55 Issue 4, p409-419, 11p
مصطلحات موضوعية: ZINC toxicology, FOOD chains, BIOMARKERS, GEOLOGIC hot spots, MARINE sediments
Abstract (English): Zn accumulation may be utilized as a reliable biomarker for determining the degree of environmental pollution in water, sediment, and river fish tissues. In this study data obtained from ICP-MS evaluation revealed that the levels of Zn in the sediment from 9 hotspots (HS) were: 214.5, 138.8, 164.8, 269.6, 156.6, 356.6, 120.8, 387.5, and 259.7 mg/kg dry mass of sediment, respectively. Zn concentrations in S. cephalus fish liver at 9 hotspots were as follows: 11.623, 9.982, 13.514, 31.451, 27.513, 39.791, 10.034, 46.502, and 14.903 mg/kg wet weight. Only in the HS-8 the Zn concentration in the liver exceed the FAO limits. Zn concentrations in muscle varied from HS-1 to HS-9: 3.013; 7,021; 3,304; 6,513; 5,504; 2,802; 5,213; 6.342; and 8.704 mg/ kg wet weight. The Zn concentrations in muscle did not surpass FAO guidelines and do not constitute a concern to public health. There is a statistical relationship between Zn concentration in sediment and the liver. The Zn level found in the sediment at each of the nine sampling locations, reveals heavy pollution caused by industry or other activities conducted in these locations and needs more serious attention from authorities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Croatian): Akumulacija cinka može se rabiti kao pouzdani biomarker za određivanje stupnja zagađenja okoliša u vodi, sedimentu i tkivima riječne ribe. U ovoj studiji, podatci dobiveni iz ICP-MS analize otkrili su da su razine cinka u sedimentu s 9 žarišnih točaka (hotspots ‒ HS) bile: 214,5, 138,8, 164,8, 269,6, 156,6, 356,6, 120,8, 387,5, odnosno 259,7 mg/kg suhe mase sedimenta. Koncentracije cinka u jetri ribe S. cephalus na 9 žarišnih točaka bile su sljedeće: 11,623, 9,982, 13,514, 31,451, 27,513, 39,791, 10,034, 46,502 i 14,903 mg/kg mokre mase. Samo u žarišnoj točki HS-8 koncentracija cinka u jetri prelazi ograničenja Organizacije za hranu i poljoprivredu (FAO). Koncentracije cinka u mišićima varirale su od žarišne točke HS-1 do HS-9: 3,013; 7,021; 3,304; 6,513; 5,504; 2,802; 5,213; 6,342 i 8,704 mg/ kg mokre mase. Koncentracije cinka u mišićima nisu prelazile FAO smjernice i ne predstavljaju uzrok za zabrinutost za javno zdravlje. Čini se da postoji statistički odnos između koncentracije cinka u sedimentu i jetri. Razina cinka otkrivena u sedimentu na svakoj od devet lokacija uzorkovanja otkriva teško zagađenje prouzročeno industrijskim ili drugim aktivnostima koje se obavljaju na tim lokacijama i zahtijevaju veću pozornost vlasti. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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