Academic Journal


التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: 黑河流域中游盆地地表水与地下水转化机制研究. (Chinese)
Alternate Title: Study on the conversion mechanism of surface water and groundwater in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. (English)
المؤلفون: 祁晓凡, 李文鹏, 崔虎群, 康卫东, 刘振英, 邵新民
المصدر: Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology / Shuiwendizhi Gongchengdizhi; May2022, Vol. 49 Issue 3, p29-43, 15p
مصطلحات موضوعية: RIVER channels, WATER table, WATER management, WATER diversion, HYDROLOGICAL stations, ALLUVIAL plains, SOIL infiltration, STREAMFLOW
مصطلحات جغرافية: HEIHE Shi (China), CHINA
Abstract (English): The mutual transformation of surface water and groundwater is an obvious feature of water cycle in arid inland basins in northwest China. Examination of the transformation mechanism is an important basis for the cognition of basin water cycle law and the sustainable management of water resources. In this paper, the Zhangye Basin and Yanchi Basin in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin in the arid inland river of northwest China are taken as the research areas, and the time-varying water balance model of the main channel of the Heihe River and the coupling numerical model of surface water and groundwater are established. The conversion mechanism of surface water and groundwater under the dual influence of long-term hydrological changes and human activities is studied, and the following understanding is obtained. (1) The recharge conditions change from linear recharge dominated by river leakage under natural conditions to linear recharge dominated by river and diversion channel leakage and surface recharge of infiltration in irrigation areas. The discharge conditions change from spring overflow and natural wetland discharge to spring overflow and groundwater exploitation. (2) The infiltration section and overflow section of the Heihe River in the Zhangye Basin are roughly bounded by the G312 Bridge, which is also called the turning point of surface water and groundwater transformation. The Yingluoxia-G312 bridge section is a suspended river leakage section, and the river infiltration recharge is mainly controlled by the actual amount of water entering the river. Among them, the infiltration recharge rate of the Yingluoxia-Caotanzhuang section is 43.34%. The river channel infiltration recharge and river channel flow can be expressed by the piecewise function in the Caotanzhuang-G312 bridge section. When the river channel flow is greater than (or equal to) and less than 3.7×108 m³ per month, it shows a power function relationship and a linear function relationship, respectively. The G312 bridge-Zhengyixia section is the groundwater overflow section. The groundwater overflow amount of the G312 bridge-Pingchuan bridge section accounts for about 70% of the total overflow amount. The peak overflow occurs at about 6 km downstream the Gaoya hydrological station, and the single-length overflow amount can reach 0.46 m³/(s·km). (3) The study area is a relatively complete river-aquifer system, which has undergone continuous dry and wet hydrological changes in the past 31 years. The recharge and discharge conditions of groundwater and the transformation mechanism of surface water and groundwater have changed accordingly. The conversion between surface water and groundwater is the strongest in the Heihe-Liyuan River inclined plain in the middle of the Zhangye Basin. During the continuous dry period from 1990 to 2001, the water diversion in the irrigation area decreased year by year, and the recharge mainly caused by river channel infiltration and canal system leakage decreased at a rate of 0.06×108 m³/a. The increase of farmland irrigation area led to the increase of irrigation water, the obvious increase of groundwater exploitation, the decrease of groundwater level year by year, the cumulative decrease of storage amount by 5.80×108 m³, and the annual decrease of groundwater overflow amount by 0.13×108 m³/a. During the continuous harvest period from 2002 to 2020, the water diversion in the irrigation area decreased year by year, and the river infiltration showed an increasing trend. The total groundwater supply increased by 0.15×108 m³/a, the irrigation area continued to expand, and the agricultural irrigation exploitation increased accordingly. The increase in river infiltration was the dominant factor, and the groundwater levels continued to rise. The total storage increased by 5.42×108 m³, and the groundwater overflow increased by 0.06×108 m³/a. In short, the recharge and discharge conditions vary greatly, the groundwater storage decreases first and then increases, and the total amount of groundwater overflow changes gently, which reflects the huge storage function of the thick aquifer system in this area. (4) The groundwater level in the production period of the inclined plain located in the eastern part of the Zhangye Basin is in a continuous decline, which is due to the sharp decrease of excessive surface water development. The groundwater level in the Heihe erosion-accumulation plain is basically stable. Over the past 30 years, the groundwater level in the inclined plain of the Yanchi Basin has been in a state of continuous decline, which is caused by excessive groundwater exploitation due to immigration reclamation. (5) The natural suspended river infiltration section in the inland basin is a precious groundwater recharge channel. Whether in the continuous dry or wet period, the actual river flow is the key to the river leakage recharge. Protection of the upstream natural river and a certain actual river flow is the key to the sustainable management of water resources in the inland basin. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Chinese): 地表水与地下水相互转化是中国西北干旱内流盆地水循环的显著特征, 转化机制研究是盆地水循环规律认知和水 资源可持续管理的重要基础。以我国西北干旱内流河黑河流域中游的张掖盆地和盐池盆地为研究区, 建立了黑河主干河 道时变水平衡模型和地表水地下水耦合数值模型, 研究了长周期水文变化和人类活动双重影响下地表水与地下水转化机 制, 得到如下认识:(1) 补给条件由以天然条件下河流渗漏为主的线状补给演变为以河流与引水渠道渗漏的线状补给和灌 区田间入渗面状补给, 排泄条件由以泉水溢出和天然湿地排泄演变为以泉水溢出与地下水开采为主的排泄。(2) 张掖盆地 黑河干流河道入渗段和溢出段大致以 G312 大桥为界, 亦称为地表水与地下水转化的转折点。莺落峡—G312 大桥段为悬 河渗漏段, 河道入渗补给主要受控于进入河道的实际过水量。其中, 莺落峡—草滩庄段河道入渗补给率为 28.20 %; 草滩 庄—G312 大桥段河道入渗补给量与河道过水量的关系可用分段函数表达, 河道过水量大于或等于 0.37×108 m³/mon 时呈幂 函数关系, 小于则呈线性函数关系。G312 大桥—正义峡段为地下水溢出段, 其中 G312 大桥—平川大桥段地下水溢出量约 占全部溢出量的 70%, 溢出峰值出现在高崖水文站下游约 6 km 处, 其单长溢出量可达 0.46 m³/(s·km)。(3) 研究区是一个相 对完整的河流—含水层系统, 近 31 年来经历了连枯和连丰的水文变化, 地下水补给排泄条件及与地表水转化机制均发生 了相应的变化。地表水与地下水转化最强烈的地区为张掖盆地中部的黑河—梨园河倾斜平原。1990—2001 年连枯期, 灌 区引水量总体逐年减少, 以河道入渗和渠系渗漏为主的补给量平均以 0.06×108 m³/a 速率减少, 农田灌溉面积增加导致灌溉 用水增加, 地下水开采量显著增加, 地下水水位逐年下降, 储存量累计减少 5.77×108 m³, 地下水溢出量平均减少0.16×108 m³/a; 而 2002— 2020 年连丰期, 灌区引水量总体逐年减少, 河道入渗量呈增加趋势, 地下水总补给量平均增加 0.15×108 m³/a, 灌溉面积继续 扩大, 农灌开采量随之增加, 以河道入渗量增加为主导, 地下水水位持续上升, 储存量累计增加 5.45×108 m³, 地下水溢出量 平均增加 0.08×108 m³/a。总之, 补给和排泄条件变化较大, 地下水储存量先减后增, 地下水溢出总量变化较为平缓, 反映了 该区巨厚含水层系统的巨大调蓄功能。(4) 位于张掖盆地东部的诸河倾斜平原地下水水位长期处于持续下降状态, 这是由 于地表水开发过度, 补给量锐减。黑河侵蚀堆积平原地下水水位基本稳定。30 多年来盐池盆地倾斜平原地下水水位长期 处于持续下降状态, 这是由于移民开垦导致地下水过量开采。(5) 内流盆地天然悬河入渗段是珍贵的地下水补给通道, 无 论连枯期还是连丰期, 河道实际过水量是河道渗漏补给量的关键, 保护上游天然河道和一定的河道实际过水量是内流盆地 水资源可持续管理的关键。 [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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