التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: |
Večno vračanje enakega v Nietzschejevem zvezku M III. (Slovenian) |
Alternate Title: |
The Thought of Eternal Recurrence in Nietzsche's Notebook M III. The Beginnings of the Doctrine and Traces of Its Silence. (English) |
المؤلفون: |
Bunta, Aleš |
المصدر: |
Filozofski Vestnik; 2021, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p25-52, 28p |
Abstract (English): |
The article is primarily a study of Nietzsche's unpublished fragments from the period spring-autumn 1881, in which Nietzsche first developed his thought of the "eternal recurrence of the same." In the article, I attempt to accomplish two goals: the first goal is to explain Nietzsche's theses on the eternal recurrence, which at that time were still remarkably clear and coherent. And the second goal is to try to find in these same theses an explanation for their future silence. In other words, the article examines the relationship between Nietzsche's theses that he developed in 1881 and his book Thus spoke Zarathustra, which, in Nietzsche's own words, relies on these theses as their "grounding thought," but nevertheless never fully reveals them. Both lines of inquiry lead to the conclusion that the core of Nietzsche's introduction of the idea of eternal recurrence is his concept of Einverleibung or embodiment. Indeed, the analysis shows that Nietzsche's main concern with the thought of eternal recurrence was not to set forth its clear articulation within consciousness, but rather to construct it in such a way that it could become an unconscious instinct capable of gradually displacing the "embodied mistakes" that dominate our thinking from within itself. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Abstract (Slovenian): |
Članek je prvenstveno študija Nietzschejevih neobjavljenih fragmentov iz obdobja pomlad - jesen 1881, v katerih je Nietzsche prvič vpeljal svojo misel večnega vračanja enakega. V prispevku si zastavljam dva cilja: prvi cilj je razlaga Nietzschejevih tez o večnem vračanju, ki so bile v tej fazi še presenetljivo jasne in koherentne. In drugi cilj je: v samih teh tezah poskusiti poiskati pojasnilo njihovega bodočega molka. Z drugimi besedami, prispevek je raziskava razmerja med tezami, ki jih je Nietzsche razvil leta 1881, in knjigo Tako je govoril Zaratustra, ki se, po Nietzschejevih lastnih besedah, opira na te teze kot na svojo »temeljno misel«, a jih, kljub temu, nikoli v celoti ne razkrije. Obe smeri raziskave vodita do zaključka, da jedro Nietzschejeve vpeljave ideje večnega vračanja tvori njegov pojem Einverleibung, oziroma utelesitev. Analiza namreč pokaže, da srž Nietzschejevega prizadevanja okoli misli večnega vračanja ni v tem, kako je to misel mogoče jasno artikulirati znotraj zavesti, temveč prej, kako jo izoblikovati na način, ki bi omogočal, da bi postala nezaveden instinkt, ki bi postopoma lahko spodrinil »utelešene zmote«, katere od znotraj obvladujejo naše mišljenje. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
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