التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: |
Alternate Title: |
المؤلفون: |
Lazarević, Sofija1 sofija.lazarevic@gmail.com |
المصدر: |
Megatrend Review / Megatrend Revija. 2024, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p165-182. 18p. |
مصطلحات موضوعية: |
*INFORMATION networks, NETWORK society, INFORMATION society, POSTINDUSTRIAL societies, MODERN society |
Abstract (English): |
The first part of the paperwork deals with the analysis of the concept and the role of information in the information society. The concept of information as we use it in everyday language plays a central role in modern society. It is common to consider information as a basic condition for economic development along with capital, labor, and raw materials, but what makes information particularly important in the present is its digital nature. The difference between information, data and knowledge is presented. The focus of the second part of the paperwork is the information society. The information society is a concept that emphasizes the use of information and information technologies in almost all areas of society. It is considered the successor of the industrial society. The information society is managed by knowledge, expertise and only informed decisions and actions. It requires and promotes clarity, precision, honesty and openness. Closely related concepts are post-industrial society, postfordism, postmodern society, knowledge society, telematics society, information revolution and network society. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
Abstract (Bosnian): |
Prvi deo rada se bavi analizom pojma i ulogom informacije u informacionom društvu. Koncept informacija kakvim ih koristimo u svakodnevnom jeziku, igra centralnu ulogu u savremenom društvu. Uobičajeno je razmatranje informacija kao osnovni uslov za ekonomski razvoj zajedno sa kapitalom, radnom snagom, i sirovinama, ali ono što čini informacije posebno značajnim pri sadašnjost je i njihova digitalna priroda. Predstavlja se razlika između informacije, podataka i znanja. U fokusu drugog dela rada nalazi se informaciono društvo. Informaciono društvo je koncept koji naglašava upotrebu informacija i informacionih tehnologija u gotovo svim oblastima društva. Ono se smatra naslednikom industrijskog društva. Informacionim društvom upravljaju znanje, stručnost i samo informisane odluke i radnja. Zahteva i promoviše jasnoću, preciznost, iskrenost i otvorenost. Usko povezani koncepti su postindustrijsko društvo, postfordizam, postmoderno društvo, društvo znanja, telematsko društvo, informaciona revolucija i mrežno društvo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |
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