Academic Journal

Exploring the Association Between Chronic Endometritis and the Risk of Endometrial Hyperplasia.

التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
العنوان: Exploring the Association Between Chronic Endometritis and the Risk of Endometrial Hyperplasia.
المؤلفون: Murshid, Rafal M.1, Abdulqader, Alaa1, Zaidan, Susan Abed2
المصدر: Bahrain Medical Bulletin. Dec2024, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p2451-2454. 4p.
مصطلحات موضوعية: *RECURRENT miscarriage, *ENDOMETRIAL hyperplasia, *UTERINE hemorrhage, *DILATATION & curettage, *PELVIC pain
Abstract (English): Background: chronic inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) play a role in different gynecological and obstetrical complaints including infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, miscarriage, and implantion failure in patients underwent invitro fertilization. Patients and methods: This prospective (case-control study) was done including 400 women (200 cases, 200 control). Women with abnormal uterine bleeding and women with subfertility were included. These patients underwent dilatation and curettage under General anasthesia and endometrial samples were obtained, These specimens were examined histologically and by IHC marker assessments using CD138 for confirmation of chronic endometritis. Results: 161 (80.5%) case presented with abnormal vaginal bleeding and 39 case (19.5%) presented with infertility, 120 case (60%) had chronic pelvic pain, recurrent pregnancy loss was demonstrated in 111 case (55.5%). All the cases 200 case had endometrial hyperplasia while the control group appear to be either secretory or proliferative endometrium according to time of curate (day of cycle). There is significant association between abnormal uterine bleeding and history of recurrent pregnancy loss and endometrial hyperplasia. 20% (40 case) of endometrial hyperplasia were diagnosed to have chronic endometritis and confirmed by IHC (CD138) which was significant result and 80% (160 case) were negative both in histopathological and IHC marker and appear to be significant with OR (0.44) and 95% CI (0.28-0.68). Conclusion: The current study shows there is a clear association and possible etiopathogenic link between chronic endometritis and endometrial hyperplasia. Treatment of chronic endometritis even if asymptomatic might help in decreasing the incidence of endometrial carcinoma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Arabic): المقال يركز على العلاقة بين التهاب بطانة الرحم المزمن (CE) وخطر تضخم بطانة الرحم. يقدم نتائج من دراسة حالة-شاهد شملت 400 امرأة، حيث كانت 200 منهن مصابات بتضخم بطانة الرحم و200 كن بمثابة مجموعة ضابطة. كشفت الدراسة أن 20% من حالات التضخم تم تشخيصها بالتهاب بطانة الرحم المزمن، وتم تأكيد ذلك من خلال الكيمياء المناعية باستخدام علامة CD138، مما يشير إلى وجود ارتباط كبير بين التهاب بطانة الرحم المزمن وتضخم بطانة الرحم. يستنتج المؤلفون أن علاج التهاب بطانة الرحم المزمن، حتى في الحالات غير العرضية، قد يقلل من خطر تطور سرطان بطانة الرحم. [Extracted from the article]
قاعدة البيانات: Academic Search Index