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This article reports opto-electronic switching properties of heterostructure GaN/AlGaN lateral Avalanche Transit Time (ATT) diode oscillator. A novel technique has been adopted for the incorporation of 2DEG effect in two-terminal device. This is achieved through the inherent conduction band offset and subsequent application of Cathode Field Plate (CFP) in combination with lateral orientation. The performance superiority of the proposed electrical and optical switches over conventional silicon devices is evidently established and experimentally verified. Under dark condition, maximum RF power output with and without series resistance has been obtained as, RFP SR ∼ 1.5 × 10 11 W / m 2 and R F P ∼ 2.84 × 10 11 W / m 2 at 0.4THz. Also, the mentioned parasitic series resistance has been obtained to be, R Parasitic ∼ 7 × 10 - 10 Ω / m 2 . Under illumination, output power with and without series resistance, have been deduced to be RFP SR ∼ 1 × 10 11 W / m 2 and R F P ∼ 2 × 10 11 W / m 2 at 0.5THz, for M N = 10 . To the best of authors' knowledge this is the first report on electro-optical performance optimization study in connection with exotic type GaN/AlGaN two-terminal ATT oscillator. A power combining technique is used in designing a 3 × 3 array. For the 3 × 3 array structure, the parasitic series resistance is obtained to be R Parasitic ∼ 8.5 × 10 - 10 Ω / m 2 . Value of the series resistance has increased for such array as compared to a single diode, due to circuit loading. In spite of such increase in series resistance, RF output power increases substantially for the array structure, due to enhanced negative conductance. Under dark condition at 0.4THz, RFP SR ∼ 4 × 10 11 W / m 2 and R F P ∼ 7.7 × 10 11 W / m 2 are the RF power output with and without series resistance. Further, for illuminated array structure, peak RF power output, with and without series resistance, is obtained to be RFP SR ∼ 2.4 × 10 11 W / m 2 and R F P ∼ 5.3 × 10 11 W / m 2 at 0.5THz, for M N = 10 . The reported performance enhancement of the newly designed ATT diode is due to the high mobility 2DEG transport region. Such 2DEG has resulted from the quantum confinement caused by GaN/ AlGaN conduction band offset in conjunction with the unique CFP and lateral orientation of the proposed diode. For the first time, quantum confined high mobility 2DEG transport region has been formed in a two-terminal ATT device. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] |